CONSTITUTION of the Cambridge University Atheist and Agnostic Society
Section 1
1a. The aim of CUAAS is to raise awareness of humanism and to encourage the dissemination and discussion of humanist views within the student body of the University.
1b.Membership of CUAAS is open to all members of Cambridge University.
1c.The fee for membership is to be decided by the committee.
1d.The committee may under exceptional circumstances, and with the approval of the two-thirds majority of the committee, revoke membership.
1e. At the committee’s discretion membership can be extended to persons outside the University.
1f. Decisions made in committee meetings by a majority of the committee shall be binding on all the activities of the society. No member of the committee shall act in contravention of decisions made by a majority of same.
Section 2
2a. The CUAAS committee shall consist of:
- A President
- A Secretary
- A Treasurer
- A Computing Officer
- A Publicity Officer
- Up to three other members
2b. Non-members of the committee can be commissioned to do jobs for the society.
2c. Committee members can be removed by vote of two-thirds of the committee at a meeting, of which prior notice has been given, to be replaced by another member of the society by election at the next society meeting or their duties to be assigned to existing committee members.
2d. Persons may be appointed to unfilled committee posts by a majority vote of the committee at any meeting of which prior notice has been given.
2e. The committee shall have the right to elect, by majority vote, at a meeting of which prior notice has been given, any number of members to the post of “Associate Committee Member”. These shall have the right to attend committee meetings but not to vote. They shall have no other rights or responsibilities. They may be removed in the same way as other committee members.
Section 3
3a. The AGM of CUAAS shall be held annually during Michaelmas term. All members of CUAAS are entitled to attend.
3b. During the AGM, the committee for the following year shall be elected via a single transferable vote, with the incumbent President holding the casting vote if necessary. Section 4
4a. CUAAS shall operate a bank account, under the direction of the President and Treasurer, cheques from the account require the signature of the Treasurer and the President.
4b. The accounts of CUAAS shall be audited by the Senior Treasurer, a resident senior member of the University.
4c. No member of CUAAS shall be personally liable for the debts of the Society except where their actions have directly caused the account to go overdrawn, in which case they shall be liable for repayment to the society’s bankers.
4d. The Treasurer shall present any bank statement to the committee at their meeting subsequent to receipt of said statement. Section 5
5a. The constitution of CUAAS may be changed at any time by two-thirds majority vote of the Committee at a meeting of which prior notice has been given.
5b. In the unlikely event of dissolution of CUAAS, all assets, after payment of debts, shall pass to the Rationalist Press Association or whatever other bodies decided by the outgoing committee. Section 6
6a. CUAAS shall be affiliated to the British Humanist Association (BHA) and to the Rational Press Association (RPA). Section 7
7a. In recognition of the human right to freedom of thought and speech, CUAAS shall not adopt an official position on any political issue or issues, with the exception of those directly related to secularism or humanism. Appendix
This constitution was introduced after changes to the previous edition on 2.12.02